Restoration of road markings and traffic signs has been underway on Žilina’s roads since April. This means that the roads under the authority of the municipality have newly restored guiding and separating lines with new road markings. New traffic signage has also been added in the pedestrian zone, with new lines on playgrounds and in the Solinky and Vlčince residential areas, and the markings to highlight pedestrian crossings and cycle track signs are currently being finalised. Solinkya Vlčince a aktuálne sa dokončuje zvýraznenie priechodov pre chodcov i značenie cyklotrás.
“These works are now provided by Saroute, s.r.o., a successful candidate in the project tender. The public procurement achieved a saving of 35 percent compared to the previous contract with Žilinské komunikácie, a.s. Another important fact is that the restoration of horizontal traffic signs is now being completed faster,” the Head of the Transport Section of the municipality of Žilina explains.
He says that in addition to this, the new supplier responds very promptly to various requirements from the municipality office of Žilina regarding the installation of traffic signage, which has significantly shortened the time required for installing traffic signage compared to the previous period. 90 percent of roads have now been restored.
The signage for parking spaces in Žilina’s residential areas should be completed by the end of the summer holidays. Žilina’s plans for repairs also accommodate the requirements of its residents.
„Na základe oprávnených podnetov od našich občanov sme doplnili na cesty niekoľko dôležitých dopravných prvkov. Do neprehľadných úsekov na križovatkách sme napríklad osadili zrkadlá a na nebezpečné úseky sme nainštalovali spomaľovacie prahy. Všetky tieto opatrenia prispejú k zlepšeniu, no predovšetkým k zvýšeniu bezpečnosti a plynulosti cestnej premávky v našom meste,“ “Based on legitimate requests from our residents, we have added several important elements on roads. Crossroads where visibility is limited have been fitted with mirrors and speed bumps have been installed on dangerous sections of roads. All these measures will contribute to improving and increasing the safety and smooth flow of road traffic in our town,” says Igor Choma, the Mayor of Žilina,. The restoration of traffic signs in Žilina will cost nearly 123 thousand euros."